Introducing powerDOWN, powerUP & instant events... ⚡

With the latest update to the app, we will be implementing a number of changes to equivents that we wanted to let you all know about.

Let us introduce you to our new names and equivent types!

1) powerDOWN events

What is it?

This is the new name for advanced notice equivents, currently, our most common type of equivent, where you are rewarded for reducing your energy usage at certain times of the day.

How do they work?

You connect your smart meter and any other smart devices to the app and we will tell you the time and date of the next event and reward you for reducing your home’s electricity usage via your smart meter. Any smart devices you have will automatically take part.

2) instant powerDOWN events

What is it?

This is the new name for no-notice equivents, the other (& original) type of equivent that we run where you are rewarded for using less electricity at certain times of the day.

How do they work?

You connect your smart meter and any other smart devices to the app and we will send you a notification to let you know the event has started and give you no prior warning and you are rewarded for reducing your home’s electricity usage via your smart meter. Any smart devices you have will automatically take part.

3) powerUP events

What is it?

This is the name for a new type of advanced notice equivent where you are rewarded for using more electricity at certain times of the day.

How do they work?

You connect your smart meter to the app and we will tell you the time and date of the event and you will be rewarded for using more electricity when there is an excess of renewable energy that would otherwise go to waste. Any smart devices you have will automatically take part.

4) instant powerUP events

What is it?

This is the name for a new type of no-notice equivent where you are rewarded for using more electricity at certain times of the day.

How do they work?

You connect your smart meter to the app and we will send you a notification to let you know the event has started and give you no prior warning and reward you for increasing your home’s electricity usage. Any smart devices you have will automatically take part.

How can I take part in powerUP events?📈

To start with we will be inviting a select number of users to take part in powerUP events to act as beta testers.

This will help us to make sure that the events run smoothly and that the experience is as good as it can be before inviting more users to take part. We will give you more details about the powerUP beta in the coming weeks here in the community forum.

However, you will need a smart meter with half-hourly data available in order to take part in powerUp events so we can work out exactly how much power you used during each event in order to award you points.

We hope you are excited by these new changes and please let us know if you have any questions!

All the best,

Mark - Team equiwatt


Interesting development, please consider me interested in being a beta tester for the powerUP events.


I’d also like to Beta test PowerUp events! especially if that is combined with updates to the Webhooks or API!


Would love to be included in the PowerUp beta please.

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Exciting! Fingers crossed we will become more like the Netherlands and have more power than we know what to do with at times!


I’m interested in the PowerUP events as well.

Is there any information going to be released about what sort of points rewards will be given during PowerUP events?

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Hi @Chris_M, still early days in terms of the nitty gritty detail as we are still finalising all of the details around the powerUP beta trial but we will let you know the full details in the coming months here in the forum.


Mark - Team equiwatt


Such a cool idea! Really looking forward to seeing how this develops :grin:

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The powerUP events is definitely welcome - did hope something like this would eventually be coming!

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Interested, thanks :slight_smile:

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Yes, I can participate with my smart meter

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I already delay our dishwasher by starting a program and then switching the power off via a smart plug, so if Equiwatt can send an ON command to a KASA plug this would be awesome

  • probably don’t want the plug turning off again after an hour though, so the cycle has time to complete. Happy to take suggestions on how this could otherwise be accomplished to give the team something to work with
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Please also consider me for the PowerUP beta.

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Will the power up function sync with batteries? Or have a webhook etc so people a bit more tech savvy can me can integrate via Home Assistant etc?

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To add another thought, a useful integration could also be with myenergi eddi etc (i noted your unrelated oxford trial with this tech).

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Have you any idea when the Power Up events will be available to all? Ill be topping up my solar battery soon. Id like to be able to use the power that would otherwise be lost.