National Grid DFS target

Couple of hours into tonight’s DFS event. Dunno if it’s an issue with how the 3hr event is displayed in the app, but our target seems unachievable - it’s suggesting using less than 1,1kwh over three hours
I’m going to stick with it, cos perhaps it means 1,1kw every hour (?) — 3,300wh total?

The app is confusing on this, and I’ve asked Equiwatt about it with no satisfactory conclusion. Like a lot of people - journalists, PR people for power companies - some of the developers don’t seem to understand the distinction between kWh and kW.

Hi @Rich_T,

Thank you for getting in touch with us.

The forecast displayed in the app is always shown in kW. We do this to show users the amount of power they need to stay below during the event.

Since a lot of users will use their smart meter IHD; this makes it easy as they just need to ensure their ‘live’ usage, displayed in kW, stays below the forecast level, rather than calculating the energy (kWh) they might consume over the hour.

In the instance of the 3hr event, your forecast was showing that you needed to use less than 1.1kW or 3.3kWh for the total event.

We are aware that understanding how much electricity you need to shift in order to beat your forecast is not a straightforward thing for many people and we are looking at ways to make this process easier and the language clearer in the app.

If you have any thoughts on this then please don’t hesitate to let us know.

All the best,

Mark - Team equiwatt

Cheers Mark

It’s actually the opposite for me - my version of the app does display my target in kwh, which I understand to be a qty of energy (hence clarifying if it was per hour, or over the whole event)