Points pending more than 14 days

I have read that ESO pay Equiwatt within 14 days. However some of my points have been pending for longer. How long can it take ?

I now have 6 events waiting for ponts to be verified and issued

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Hi @Karen_Farrington,

As my colleague Mahen explained in another post we can only release the pending points once ESO have settled each event with us and this can take up to 1-2 months from the event date.

So far this week we will only be releasing the points for the event that happened on the 16th of November.


Mark - Team equiwatt


thank you for your reply. I was just confused because this information wasn’t easy to find!! In fact one of your posts states that you receive payment within 14 days.



Hi @Karen_Farrington, not a problem.

Apologies for any confusion. We have been working on updating the app text to make it clearer. Thanks, Mark - Team equiwatt