Morning i see you have now teamed up with Scottish Power, the beauty about the Equiwatt app is the ability for you to control the turning on and of the Kasa plugs I find this so useful as you dont have to remember to turn off, the Scottish Power app does not have this facility, hence if you are not at home you cannot power things down unless you remember and turn off plugs yourself through the Kasa app.
Is the Kasa feature going to be added in the future, also are points gained through Equiwatt transferable to the Scottish Power app.
As a Scottish Power customer i do not see the benefits if neither of these things are available.
Regards Derek
Hi @Derek_Streets,
The Power Saver App has been built in collaboration with ScotishPower and has been set up with the features that they have requested. Whether the Kasa feature or any other automation features are added in the future will be down to them.
In terms of your points, the answer is no. Although we have worked with them to create and manage their app, the apps are completely separate and so are any accounts associated with them. This means that the Power Saver App is ScottishPower’s app and not ours and the two eco-systems are completely separate.
Ultimately, as a ScottishPower and equiwatt customer it is up to you to decide which app you want to use and which meets your needs and requirements best.
All the best,
Mark - Team equiwatt
Thanks Mark see no advantage with Scottish Power