Smart plug usage showing as "calculating" after more than a year

I suspect this is a presentational error but the points for participation via my Kasa smart plug are showing as “calculating” all the way back to September 2022. This used not to be the case.

I might also mention here that the two separate statement for participation and transactions is unhelpful and confusing. Combining them into one would help make things clearer. Each entry could also show the points balance.

Hi @Jonathan_Darby, thank you for getting in touch with us.

I have created a ticket for the team to investigate this and will let you know once I have heard back from them.

I will also pass on your comment about how we present the information. I tend to agree with you that it doesn’t make sense to show some of the same info in two separate places. There are certainly plenty of ways we can improve the app so if you have any other suggestions like this then please let us know!

All the best,

Mark - Team equiwatt